My business cards I had printed quite a while ago from Zazzle have been outdated as far as web addresses so the time is right for new, updated cards. So I decided to give it a go on my own, using my Photoshop Elements program. I did not use a business card template, just used the DVD jacket label option and poke and prodded around until I could figure out what went where! Does that make sense? LOL! Real techie bable here. For the last few weeks I've been working off and on on design, colors, tweaking things here and there. Finally I pretty much decided before I get too caught up in "paralysis of analysis", just go with what I had done! The result is the two card designs here.
I'm also going to experiment with printing the cards on 100# bristol paper and acrylic "canvas" paper. Which of course means then I will have to cut the cards myself. Yea, I can be quite the "do it yourself" person. But I really don't need tons of cards right now, so why not!
I plan on sending out the cards whenever I can, I have a friend who did me a big favor with sending some horsemanship teaching materials she had access to and I will be sending a little thank you gift to her, along with a couple of these cards.
It's fun pretending to be a graphic designer every once in a while!
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